
Cooperative Contracts for Oklahoma Public Agencies And Other Agencies Around the United States

Membership Benefits

Save Time and Money  No need to duplicate the competitive RFP process that TOPS has already completed. Reduces the impact of staffing and budget cuts.

Wide Variety of Construction Contracts  Chose from popular construction contract categories that you desire and need.

Leveraging Relationships  Ability to select the Vendor that you want to purchase from and the representative that you want to work with.

Quality Pricing  Able to avoid the unpleasant experience of low-bids and low-quality awards.

All TOPS contracts comply with the Oklahoma Fair Bidding Act.

TOPS Interlocal Agreement

The Oklahoma Purchasing System was approved by the Office of the Attorney General of Oklahoma on October 19, 2022 and filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State on December 28, 2022. The membership document was also filed with the Atoka County Clerk. To join TOPS requires the approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Atoka Public Schools, the lead public agency. Click on the link below to download a copy of the TOPS Interlocal Agreement.

Download Membership Agreement (Public Agency)Register Today (Vendor)